The automorphism groups of Artin groups of edge-separated CLTTF graphs, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 60(6), 1171–1213 (2023).
(with Youngjin Cho(KNU))
This work is a continuation of Crisp's work on automorphism groups of CLTTF Artin groups, where the defining graph of a CLTTF Artin group is connected, large-type, and triangle-free. More precisely, we provide an explicit presentation of the automorphism group of an edge-separated CLTTF Artin group whose defining graph has no separating vertices.
Augmentations are sheaves for Legendrian graphs, Journal of Symplectic Geometry, 20(2), 250–416 (2022).
(with Youngjin Bae(KIAS) and Tao Su(ENS))
In this article, associated to a (bordered) Legendrian graph, we study and show the equivalence between two categorical Legendrian isotopy invariants: the augmentation category, a unital $A_\infty$-category, which lifts the set of augmentations of the associated Chekanov-Eliashberg DGA, and a DG category of constructible sheaves on the front plane, with micro-support at contact infinity controlled by the (bordered) Legendrian graph. In other words, generalizing [21], we prove "augmentations are sheaves" in the singular case.
Asymptotic homology of graph braid groups, Geometry & Topology, 26(4), 1745–1771 (2022).
(with Gabriel C. Drummond-Cole and Ben Knudsen(Northeastern University))
We give explicit formulas for the asymptotic Betti numbers of the unordered configuration spaces of an arbitrary finite graph over an arbitrary field.
Augmentations and ruling polynomials for Legendrian graphs, Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 22(5), 2079–2085 (2022).
(with Youngjin Bae(INU) and Tao Su(ENS))
In this article, associated to a (bordered) Legendrian graph, we study and show the equivalence between two Legendrian isotopy invariants: augmentation number via point-counting over a finite field, for the augmentation variety of the associated Chekanov-Eliashberg differential graded algebra, and ruling polynomial via combinatorics of the decompositions of the associated front projection.
Ruling invariants for Legendrian graphs, Journal of Symplectic Geometry, 20(1), 49–98 (2022).
(with Youngjin Bae(INU) and Tamás Kálmán(TIT))
We define ruling invariants for even-valence Legendrian graphs in standard contact three-space. We prove that rulings exist if and only if the DGA of the graph, introduced by the first two authors, has an augmentation. We set up the usual ruling polynomials for various notions of gradedness and prove that if the graph is four-valent, then the ungraded ruling polynomial appears in Kauffman-Vogel's graph version of the Kauffman polynomial. Our ruling invariants are compatible with certain vertex-identifying operations as well as vertical cuts and gluings of front diagrams. We also show that Leverson's definition of a ruling of a Legendrian link in a connected sum of $S^1\times S^2$'s can be seen as a special case of ours.
On folded cluster patterns of affine type, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 381(2), 401–431 (2022).
(with Eunjeong Lee(CBNU))
A cluster algebra is a commutative algebra whose structure is decided by a skew-symmetrizable matrix or a quiver. When a skew-symmetrizable matrix is invariant under an action of a finite group and this action is admissible, the folded cluster algebra is obtained from the original one. Any cluster algebra of non-simply-laced affine type can be obtained by folding a cluster algebra of simply-laced affine type with a specific $G$-action. In this paper, we study the combinatorial properties of quivers in the cluster algebra of affine type. We prove that for any quiver of simply-laced affine type, $G$-invariance and $G$-admissibility are equivalent. This leads us to prove that the set of $G$-invariant seeds forms the folded cluster pattern.
On the second homology of planar graph braid groups, Journal of Topology, 15(2), 666–691 (2022).
(with Ben Knudsen(Northeastern University))
We show that the second homology of the configuration spaces of a planar graph is generated under the operations of embedding, disjoint union, and edge stabilization by three atomic graphs: the cycle graph with one edge, the star graph with three edges, and the theta graph with four edges. We give an example of a non-planar graph for which this statement is false.
Geometric presentations of graph braid groups for Particles on a Graph, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 384(2), 1109–1140 (2021).
(with Tomasz Maciążek(University of Bristol))
We study geometric presentations of braid groups for particles that are constrained to move on a graph, i.e. a network consisting of nodes and edges. Our proposed set of generators consists of exchanges of pairs of particles on junctions of the graph and of certain circular moves where one particle travels around a simple cycle of the graph. We point out that so defined generators often do not satisfy the braiding relation known from 2D physics. We accomplish a full description of relations between the generators for star graphs where we derive certain quasi-braiding relations. We also describe how graph braid groups depend on the (graph-theoretic) connectivity of the graph. This is done in terms of quotients of graph braid groups where one-particle moves are put to identity. In particular, we show that for $3$-connected planar graphs such a quotient reconstructs the well-known planar braid group. For $2$-connected graphs this approach leads to generalisations of the Yang-Baxter equation. Our results are of particular relevance for the study of non-abelian anyons on networks showing new possibilities for non-abelian quantum statistics on graphs.
Universal properties of anyon braiding on one-dimensional wire networks, Physical Review B, 102(20), Issue 20, 201407(R) (2020).
(with Tomasz Maciążek(University of Bristol))
We demonsrtrate that anyons on wire networks have fundamentally different braiding properties than anyons in 2D. Our analysis reveals an unexpectedly wide variety of possible non-abelian braiding behaviours on networks. The character of braiding depends on the topological invariant called the connectedness of the network. As one of our most striking consequences, particles on modular networks can change their statistical properties when moving between different modules. However, sufficiently highly connected networks already reproduce braiding properties of 2D systems. Our analysis is fully topological and independent on the physical model of anyons.
A Chekanov-Eliashberg algebra for Legendrian graphs, Journal of Topology, 13(2), 777–869 (2020).
(with Youngjin Bae(KIAS))
We define a differential graded algebra for Legendrian graphs and tangles in the standard contact Euclidean three space. This invariant is defined combinatorially by using ideas from Legendrian contact homology. The construction is distinguished from other versions of Legendrian contact algebra by the vertices of Legendrian graphs. A set of countably many generators and a generalized notion of equivalence are introduced for invariance. We show a van Kampen type theorem for the differential graded algebras under the tangle replacement. Our construction recovers many known algebraic constructions of Legendrian links via suitable operations at the vertices.
Edge stabilization in the homology of graph braid groups, Geometry & Topology, 24(1), 421–469 (2020).
(with Gabriel C. Drummond-Cole(IBS-CGP) and Ben Knudsen(Harvard University))
We introduce a novel type of stabilization map on the configuration spaces of a graph, which increases the number of particles occupying an edge. There is an induced action on homology by the polynomial ring generated by the set of edges, and we show that this homology module is finitely generated. An analogue of classical homological and representation stability for manifolds, this result implies eventual polynomial growth of Betti numbers. We calculate the exact degree of this polynomial, in particular verifying an upper bound conjectured by Ramos. Because the action arises from a family of continuous maps, it lifts to an action at the level of singular chains, which contains strictly more information than the homology level action. We show that the resulting differential graded module is almost never formal over the ring of edges.
Subdivisional spaces and graph braid groups, Doc. Math., 24, 1513–1583 (2019).
(with Gabriel C. Drummond-Cole(IBS-CGP) and Ben Knudsen(Harvard University))
We study the problem of computing the homology of the configuration spaces of a finite cell complex $X$. We proceed by viewing $X$, together with its subdivisions, as a subdivisional space--a kind of diagram object in a category of cell complexes. After developing a version of Morse theory for subdivisional spaces, we decompose $X$ and show that the homology of the configuration spaces of $X$ is computed by the derived tensor product of the Morse complexes of the pieces of the decomposition, an analogue of the monoidal excision property of factorization homology.
Applying this theory to the configuration spaces of a graph, we recover a cellular chain model due to Świątkowski. Our method of deriving this model enhances it with various convenient functorialities, exact sequences, and module structures, which we exploit in numerous computations, old and new.
On the Chern numbers for pseudo-free circle actions, J. Symplectic Geom., 17(1), 1–40 (2019).
(with Yunhyung Cho(SKKU))
Let $(M,\psi)$ be a $(2n+1)$-dimensional oriented closed manifold with a pseudo-free $S^1$-action
$\psi : S^1 \times M \rightarrow M$.
We first define a \textit{local data} $\mathcal{L}(M,\psi)$ of the action $\psi$ which consists of
pairs $(C, (p(C) ; \overrightarrow{q}(C)))$ where $C$ is an exceptional orbit, $p(C)$ is the order of isotropy subgroup of $C$, and $\overrightarrow{q}(C) \in (\mathbb{Z}_{p(C)}^{\times})^n$ is a vector whose entries are the weights of the slice representation of $C$.
In this paper, we give an explicit formula of the Chern number $\langle c_1(E)^n, [M/S^1] \rangle$ modulo $\mathbb{Z}$ in terms of
the local data, where $E = M \times_{S^1} \mathbb{C}$ is the associated complex line orbibundle
over $M/S^1$.
Also, we illustrate several applications to various problems arising in equivariant symplectic topology.
Legendrian singular links and singular connected sums, J. Symplectic Geom., 16(4), 885–930 (2018).
(with Youngjin Bae(RIMS) and Seonhwa Kim(IBS-CGP))
We study Legendrian singular links up to contact isotopy. Using a special property of the singular points, we define the singular connected sum of Legendrian singular links. This concept is a generalization of the connected sum and can be interpreted as a tangle replacement, which provides a way to classify Legendrian singular links. Moreover, we investigate several phenomena only occur in the Legendrian setup.
Grid diagrams for singular links, J. Knot Theory Ramification, 27(4), 1850023, 43pp (2018).
(with Hwa Jeong Lee(DGIST))
In this paper, we define the set of singular grid diagrams $\mathcal{SG}$ which provides a unified description for singular links, singular Legendrian links, singular transverse links, and singular braids. We also classify the complete set of all equivalence relations on $\mathcal{SG}$ which induce the bijection onto each singular object. This is an extension of the known result of Ng–Thurston [Grid diagrams, braids, and contact geometry, in Proc. Gökova Geometry-Topology Conf. 2008, Gökova Geometry/Topology Conference (GGT), Gökova, 2009, pp. 120–136] for nonsingular links and braids.
On the $f$-vectors of Gelfand-Cetlin polytopes, European J. Combin., 67, 61–77 (2018).
(with Yunhyung Cho(SKKU) and Jang Soo Kim(SKKU))
A Gelfand–Cetlin polytope is a convex polytope obtained as an image of certain completely integrable system on a partial flag variety. In this paper, we give an equivalent description of the face structure of a GC-polytope in terms of so called the face structure of a ladder diagram. Using our description, we obtain a partial differential equation whose solution is the exponential generating function of $f$-vectors of GC-polytopes. This solves the open problem (2) posed by Gusev et al. (2013).
On the structure of braid groups on complexes, Topology Appl., 226, 86–119 (2017).
(with Hyowon Park(PMI))
We consider the braid group $\mathbf{B}_n(X)$ on a finite simplicial complex $X$, which is a generalization of those on both manifolds and graphs that have been studied already by many authors. We figure out the relationships between geometric decompositions for $X$ and their effects on the braid groups.
As applications, we give complete criteria for both the surface embeddability and planarity for $X$, which are the torsion-freeness of the braid group $\mathbf{B}_n(X)$ and its abelianization $H_1(\mathbf{B}_n(X))$, respectively.
A criterion for the Legendrian simplicity of the connected sum, Topology Appl., 204, 175–184 (2016).
In this paper, we provide the necessary and sufficient conditions for the connected sum of knots in $S^3$ to be Legendrian simple.
Automorphisms of braid groups on orientable surfaces, J. Knot Theory Ramification, 25(5), 1650022, 32pp (2016).
In this paper we compute the automorphism groups $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathbf{P}_n(\Sigma))$ and $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathbf{B}_n(\Sigma))$ of braid groups $\mathbf{P}_n(\Sigma)$ and $\mathbf{B}_n(\Sigma)$ on every orientable surface $\Sigma$, which are isomorphic to group extensions of the extended mapping class group $\mathcal{M}^*_n(\Sigma)$ by the transvection subgroup except for a few cases.
We also prove that $\mathbf{P}_n(\Sigma)$ is always a characteristic subgroup of $\mathbf{B}_n(\Sigma)$ unless $\Sigma$ is a twice-punctured sphere and $n=2$.
A family of pseudo-Anosov braids with large conjugacy invariant sets, J. Knot Theory Ramification, 22(6), 1350025, 20pp (2013).
(with Ki Hyoung Ko(KAIST))
We show that there is a family of pseudo-Anosov braids independently parametrized by the braid index and the (canonical) length whose smallest conjugacy invariant sets grow exponentially in the braid index and linearly in the length.
A family of representations of braid groups on surfaces, Pacific J. Math., 247(2), 257–282 (2010).
(with Ki Hyoung Ko(KAIST))
We propose a family of homological representations of the braid groups on surfaces. This family extends linear representations of the braid groups on a disc, such as the Burau representation and the Lawrence-Krammer-Bigelow representation.